130 Professional Terms Event Organizers Need to Know
Oct 12, 2022 12 min read
Oct 12, 2022 | 12 min read
Event Planning and Budgeting Terms
A shortened form of "familiarization trip" or "familiarization tour ."
A tour of travel organizers to a specific destination to learn about the place and its tourism potential.
Site Inspection
A site inspection is a visit to a potential event location to evaluate it before making a final decision.
RSP stands for Request For Proposal. RFP is a formal document prepared by an organization interested in getting offers to purchase something.
ROI stands for Return Of Investment. It is the ratio between the return and the investment, usually expressed as a percentage.
ROI of 100% means the project returned two times the initial investment.
Event ROI is calculated using the formula ROI (%) = The value of the event in monetary terms (Net Monetary Benefits NMB) / Meeting Costs x 100.
Total Economic Impact is a method to evaluate an investment's return value.
Zero-Based Budget
A zero-based budget is a budget-building method in which the budget builders start from zero instead of using a previous budget as a starting point. Each expense has to be thought of and approved.
Contingency Plan
A contingency plan is a response plan to significant unfortunate scenarios.
Risk Assessment
A process to identify and evaluate possible mishaps and hazards that could negatively impact the event.
Risk Identification
A process to find and list possible hazards. Risk identification is the first part of Risk Assessment.
GSA Schedule
A GSA Schedule is a contract between the US government and suppliers
that simplifies the buying process for federal agencies because the price, terms,
and conditions are already agreed upon and pre-approved as fair and reasonable.
"Event Specification Guide"
is a document created by the event organizers listing all the event requirements
for an event.
Cut-off Date or Time
The last day/time on which something can be done.
Consumer Show
Exhibition of products by their vendors in one location focuses on selling
to the attendees and bringing products to the attention of potential buyers.
MICE is an acronym for Meetings, Incentives, Conventions, and Exhibitions.
Standard Operating Procedures.
A description of the activities necessary to complete tasks in accordance
with regulations or standards.
Banquet Event Order is a document that lists the event's basic details and the event organizer's requirements from the venue - event dates, number of guests, timeline, requirements such as set-up, AV, food and beverages, and parking.
Floor Plan
Floor Plan
A drawing showing the layout of the room or hall and the location of objects.
Banquet-style is a room seating setup style common in weddings with round tables and chairs around it, usually 10-12 chairs per table.
The Events Industry Council (EIC)
is an umbrella organization of event-industry organizations.
It was founded in the US and is headquartered in the US.
The EIC has 36 event-related fellow organizations that have over 120,000 individual members together.
The EIC promotes industry standards, policies, and programs that prompt the development of professionalism in the industry.
For example, the EIC created the Certified Meeting Professional (CMP) certification program,
one of the most known industry certifications.
CMP is an acronym for Certified Meeting Professional.
Green and Sustainable Events
Corporate Social Responsibility.
The idea is that a company is responsible for positively contributing to society.
A green event is an event that is planned and executed with environmental and social responsibility.
The 4R's
The 4 R's of Sustainable Management are: Reduce, Rethink, Recycle and Reuse.
Early Bird
Early bird registration is a discounted price for attendees who register early to the event.
Organizers that offer early-bird rates commonly offer them up to one or two months before the event.
Onsite Registration
Onsite registration refers to the process of registering for an event at the event registration desk on the event day.
Registration Desk
Self-service conference registration
Registration Desk is the place attendees will go when arriving at an event
to register, check-in, and get a name tag.
Registration Desks can be either self-registering desks or with professionals appointed to service attendees.
Waiting List
A waiting list is a list of potential attendees who wish to register but can not do it immediately,
usually because the event has reached its full capacity. In case there is a new availability,
the organizer will normally inform the next person on the waiting list and give him the opportunity to register.
Save the Date
"Save the Date" is an announcement sent to potential event participants announcing the event's basic details, including name, date, and at least an approximate location so they will reserve the date in their calendar.
RSVP essentially means, please confirm your arrival.
It is an acronym of the French phrase "Répondez s'il Vous plaît", which translates to "Please Respond."
EMS is an acronym for Event Management Software.
ISO 27001
ISO 27001 is a globally recognized information security standard.
By adhering to ISO 27001, organizations can affirm commitment to protecting sensitive information and managing security risks.
To maintain ISO 27001 certification, organizations must undergo annual external audits.
SOC 2 is a standard developed by the American Institute of CPAs that specifies how a service provider should manage customer data. The certification requirements include information security requirements, Logical and physical access controls, operation requirements, and risk mitigation requirements.
PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) is a security standard developed by major credit card companies.
It requires organizations handling credit card transactions to implement specific security measures to protect their systems in general and,
specifically, how to safeguard credit card and cardholder information.
Event Marketing
Direct Marketing
Direct marketing is a marketing activity that is based on sending marketing messages directly to the potential customer instead of using a third party.
Direct marketing can use, for example, email, telephone calls, SMS, and social media messages.
Opt-in is conscious consent given by a person by actively approving or requesting to receive marketing or other specific communication from an organization.
It stands for Hypertext Markup Language, a standard markup for creating web pages.
SEO is an acronym for Search Engine Optimization - a collection of techniques to improve the exposure of a website in search engine's search result pages.
SWOT Analysis
SWOT is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. A SWOT is an analysis of an organization focusing on those factors.
Rooming List
A rooming-list is a list of room orders
, including the name of guests, room type, check-in, and check-out dates.
Room Block
A commitment of an accommodation provider to reserve a specified number of rooms for the event guests.
Guest Room Attrition
A percentage of the Room Block size must be ordered to avoid attrition penalty.
For example, an attrition rate of 80% means the organizer is responsible for 80% of the agreed Room Block size.
Double Room
"Double room" is a room for two people with a double bed.
Twin Room
Room for two people with two single beds.
Single Room
A room for one person.
Full-Service Hotel
A full-service hotel is a hotel with a wide range of services.
In particular, a typical full-service hotel will at least have a restaurant, a bar, possibly room service, a fitness center, sports facilities, and laundry services.
B&B or BB, known as "bed and breakfast." B&B is a room rate where guests get a room and breakfast the following morning.
BB hotel is an accommodation option that offers only BB hospitality level.
DB&B or DBB is Dinner Bed and Breakfast.
DBB is a room rate in which guests receive dinner and breakfast.
RO is an acronym for Room Only. Room rate with no breakfast or other extras.
HB is an acronym for Half-Board.
HB is a room rate that includes breakfast and either lunch or dinner.
FB is an acronym for Full-Board.
FB is a room rate that includes Room, breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
All-inclusive (AI) is a room rate when all the food, drinks, and usually at least a few amenities are included.
PP is an acronym for Per Person.
PPPN is an acronym for Per Person, Per Night.
PRPN is an acronym for Per Room, Per Night.
Headquarters Hotel
During an event with multiple hotels being used by attendees,
the headquarters hotel is the one where the main group of participants is staying at.
Run of the house
A discounted room rate gives the hotel complete discretion
to select the room type for the guest at check-in time.
Any available standard room.
Stands for people or person.
Bonded Warehouse
Bonded Warehouse is a place to store goods before paying duties.
International Freight Forwarder is a company or person that manages international shipments.
Carnet is a certificate issued at the origin country of goods allowing someone to
import something into another country for a limited time without paying import taxes.
For example, exhibitors and event organizers use Carnes to import equipment for display
and demonstration without paying import taxes and fees.
The International Air Transport Association (IATA)
is trade association represting over 290 airlines in 120 countries.
Conference & Hospitality
Business Attire
Business attire is a dress code typical for business people.
There are mainly three levels of Business Attire:
Business Formal Attire - a level above the day-to-day outfit, usually suits and jackets.
Business Professional Attire - high-end office wear.
Business Casual Attire is what people typically wear at the office.
White Tie
White tie is the first class of formal dress code, also known as "full evening dress. "White tie dress code could be expected at prestigious events such as a Nobel prize ceremony or royal or presidential events. Women are expected to wear full-length evening gowns and jewelry. Men are expected to wear a tailcoat.
Also, a white bow tie is required to distinguish guests and staff wearing black ties.
Black Tie
"black tie" is a high-end dress code but one level less formal than a white tie dress code.
A black tie dress code is traditional at formal evening events and dinner parties.
Women are expected to wear long dresses, while men are expected to wear dark dinner jackets and bow ties.
Back of The House
The area attendees don't see where all the preparation happens,
either of food, organization or other aspects of an event.
Hotel Convention Service Manager
Hospitality Suite
A room or suite for guests to sit, usually with light snacks and drinks.
A no-show is a guest or attendee who didn't show up to the event or his reservation.
Swag Bag
Swag Bag stands for a bag for Stuff We All Get (SWAG).
A Swag Bag is bag with small gifts event attendees receives from the event organizer and event exhibitors.
Food and Beverage
F&B stands for Food and Beverage
Dine-a-rounds is a lunch or dinner arrangement where attendees get to choose
a local restaurant from a list of restaurants
the event organizer agreed with to serve lunch or dinner for conference attendees.
A la carte
A la carte is a meal a guest can assemble from a menu where each item is priced and served individually.
It is usually a plated, sit-down meal.
On Consumption
Charge based on consumption or level of use.
Approved Caterers
A list of pre-approved caterers by the venue or event organizer.
Corkage is a service charged by a restaurant for allowing guests to bring a bottle of wine from an external location.
English Dining Service Style
English Dining Service Style is a table service for seated guests,
where a server individually serves each guest from large platters, starting with the host.
French Dining Service Style
French Dining Service Style is a type of table service for seated guests,
where servers present dishes on platters or prepare them tableside.
Guests are served from the right side.
American Dining Service Style
American Dining Service Style is a table service for seated guests where dishes are plated in the kitchen and served to guests on their right side.
Butler Service Style
Butler Service Style is a table service for seated guests where servers present platters of food to guests.
Guests select items, and the server plates the portions.
This style is often used for appetizers or desserts.
Buffet Service Style
A buffet service style is a dining style where guests help themselves from a selection of containers set up in a specific serving area.
Event Production Onsite
Run of Show (ROS)
A document that lists the sequence of activities and events that are expected to happen minute-by-minute and who is responsible for them.
The ROS is distributed to the event staff running the event, including hosts, presenters, and moderators.
Green Room
A green room is a backstage waiting room for speakers or performers to wait before or after going on stage.
Multipoint Video Conferencing
Video conferencing between three or more locations.
The dismantling of an event or exhibition.
A pavilion is a designated exhibition area for a group of exhibitors with something in common.
For example, exhibition organizers can set up a pavilion for exhibitors from a specific country or geographic area and a pavilion for start-up companies.
Dark Day
A Dark Day is a day when the venue is not rented or not in use
AV is a general term meaning Audio, Video, lighting, and sound.
Full size HDMI connector
A popular type of video/audio connector found on laptops, projectors, and other video and audio equipment.
An HDMI connector has a trapezium shape.
There are three common HDMI connector sizes - A - full, about 4.5mm wide;
C - mini, about 2.4 mm wide;
and D - micro size, about 2.2mm wide.
Back Projection
Back projection is a method of projecting images onto a screen from behind the screen.
Rear projection advantages include better contrast and resilience to blocking the projected image by a presenter standing in the light pathway and better resilience to ambient light in front of the screen.
Double-Stacked Projectors
Two projectors project the image on a single screen to deliver a brighter image and backup.
A secondary video or footage the video editor
can be used to cut away from the main video to provide content or increase interest.
A lumen is a unit for measuring the light output of projectors and lights.
For example, a 75w bulb output is about 1100 lumens.
Small projectors range from 1,500 to 4,000.
Large venues, auditoriums, or theatre projectors can be 10,000 to 50,000 lumens.
Lavalier Microphone, Lapel Microphone, Lav Mic
Lavalier Microphone
Lav Mic is a small wireless microphone that can clip on speaker clothing.
Roving Microphone
A mobile microphone to take audience questions.
Hybrid and Virtual Events
Simulive is a live broadcast of a prerecorded video.
Simulive broadcast allows interaction between viewers as in Live broadcast, but the presenter
can not react to viewer responses. Event organizers like to simulate broadcasts because it removes
some stress associated with a fully live broadcast.
The word Simulive is a blend of the word Simulated and word Live.
RTMP is a software protocol for transfering live video from one source to one destination.
RTMP is used to transfer live video from a camera to live video editing output to
a cloud-based server for wider distribution.
An online, relatively short, educational activity for a group of people, with some interaction with the presenter.
A webinar can accommodate more participants than an in-person seminar or workshop, typically up to 50.
It can last anywhere from an hour to a few fulls.
Virtual Lobby
A 3D welcome screen or home page of a virtual event application.
A virtual lobby can provide a basic level of precipitation or a sense of attending the event in person.
Floodlight is a powerful wide-beamed light used to light a stage or large area.
Wash Light
A wash light is a floodlight that evenly lights an area in soft light.
With a wash light, the light outline is more apparent than with a floodlight.
Uplighting is a lighting effect created by placing a light source on the floor,
usually next o the wall, and pointing it up.
Three-point lighting
Three-point lighting is a method for illuminating a subject with
light from 3 directions. It allows control or elimination of
shading and shadows.
A typical Three-point lightings setup includes
Key Light - a light coming from the front of the subject,
Fill Light coming from the side, and Back Light coming from behind the subject.
A GOBO is a template placed in front or inside a light source, projecting an image on the surface.
It is an effective way to project logos on the wall or fill the stage with a pattern.
Leko is a popular abbreviation for Lekolite, a brand of Ellipsoidal Reflector Spot (ERS) that has become a generic term to describe any ellipsoidal light.
Leko light s an ellipsoidal and adjustable light source. The Lighting operator can control a Leko lights beam size, focus, and light color.
Leko light is also used with GOBO to change the light pattern.
The definition of disability under the ADA - The ADA's definition of disability
is usually broader than defined in many other laws, such as social security laws.
Volunteer Protection Act
The Volunteer Protection Act is an US law that gives non-profit organizations volunteers
protection from "liability for harm caused while properly engaged in volunteer work".
The General Data Protection Regulation
is a european data privacy and security law that that defines guidelines for
the gathering and processing of personal information
and provides protection for people in the EU.
Waiver of Subrogation
Insurance statement
Public Liability Insurance
Public liability insurance is an insurance that covers expenses from incidents
that happen connected to business activity.
Bodily Injury Insurance
Bodily Injury Insurance is an insurance that covers the expenses for injuries a driver causes to others.
Cancellation Clause
A clause that allows an insurer to nullify a clause before it expires.
Force Majeure
Unanticipated occurrences that stop someone from concluding a contract.
Indirect Cost
A general operation or overhead cost that is not directly associated with a specific, single product or a provided service.
Direct Cost
Direct cost is a cost that can be directly tied to the manufacturing of specific goods or a particular service.
Plenary Session
The main conference session. A gathering of all conference attendees in a single room.
Breakout Session
Breakout Session is a smaller session planned for part of the general audience of the conference. Generally used for workshops, discussions, or presentations.
Keynote is the prime presentation, lecture or speaker of the day or of the event.
Conference closing session.
Small stage or platform where someone stands to be seen.
Plexi Podium
Plexi Podium
Plexi Podium is a podium made of clear acrylic material.
Plexi is a short for Plexiglass, a brand of clean acrylic
that has become generic name.
Syllabus is a short version of a text, lecture or course.
Fishbowl is a
discussion format where people in an inner circle debate an issue, and the outer ring observes.
A workshop is a professional activity with high involvement of the participants.
A workshop can be dedicated to discussing a specific topic,
generally in small groups led by experts on the subject or other practical training.
Colloquium is an informal meeting for discussion,
usually of an academic or research nature,
to establish areas of mutual interest through an exchange of ideas.
Banquet Round
A banquet round is a round table that seats 8-12 guests for an event.
Stage Truss
Truss is a popular modular display system to build exhibition booths,
signs, and displays at events and exhibitions.
The truss system is based on metal segments made from connected pipes.
Truss segments are connected using pins or bolts to create different frames and displays.
Speed of something
The Voice of God (VOG) is the person making public announcements at the event.
Typically VOG has a unique voice.
Academic Conferences
A summary of a document, lecture, oral presentation or poster an attendee wants to present at a conference.
IMRAD is an acronym for Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion.
A common structure of a research article or abstract.
Corresponding Author
A corresponding author is the author of an abstract responsible for communicating with the conference secretariat.
Conference Secretariat
A company or person that provides administrative
support to the conference organizing committee in processing abstracts,
communicating with abstract submitters and presenters,
and coordinating and preparing the conference agenda.
Professional Conference Organizer
Destination Management Company
Convention and Visitor's Bureau
The word Hackathon is a blend of the word Hacker and Marathon.
A Hackathon is a competitive event similar to a sprint run in which attendees
form small groups that design
and build a product or a solution during the event (in a short time).
Hybrid Event
A Hybrid event is an event with aspects of both physical and online events.