This is the main page for attendees' management in the event. On this page, you can see the information of each registrant, as well as perform actions such as charging, sending messages, changing status, etc.
To enter the page, click on "Registrants" in the registration module toolbar.
Here is a List of Interface Elements and Their Functions:
Search box: On the left, select the field to search by (such as code, name, or email), and on the right, enter the content or symbols you are searching for.
Predefined filters: In addition to the custom filters you apply to the reports, the system has a list of predefined filters to choose from. For example, paid registrants, registrants with payment problems, approved registrants, and more.
Active report's name: The name of the active report. Reports can be added and edited on the "Reports" page.
Displayed form: You can present registrants from all registration forms or a specific one.
Select/unselect multiple registrants: Allows you to select or unselect multiple registrants.
Bulk actions: When multiple registrants are selected, click on this button to perform actions on all of them: send messages, delete, download a file with selected registrants, etc.
Registrant's table: Each row in the table represents a registrant.
Import: Add registrants from your Excel file by importing it.
Add new registrant: Add a registrant manually.
Show/hide filters bar: Toggle the visibility of the filters bar.
Manage groups of registrants: Create a group of people with one organizer.
Statuses of Registrants:
Registration Status is a combination of flags. Each flag is a signal for something.
Registration status flags can be turned on and off by the operator or Eventact system.
Submitted – Signals that the registration form was submitted and is completed. Turned on when the registration form is successfully submitted by a registrant.
Approved – Signals that the registration was reviewed and approved by the event organizer. It is turned on when a registrant is entered into the system by the operator through the back-office interface. Recommended use: Can be used to distinguish between registrants that submitted their registration form themselves and registrants who were entered into the system by the operator.
Pending – Turned on when the registration form is successfully submitted by a registrant if the registrant has selected an offline payment method such as bank transfer.
Changed – Signals that the registration data was changed by the registrant. Turned on when a registered registrant edits the registration form. After reviewing the change, the operator can turn off the Changed flag to signal the change was handled.
Free – Signals that the specific registrant is attending free of charge. Turned on when the registration form is successfully submitted by a registrant if the registration price is zero. Turned on or off by Eventact EMS when the price of registration is zero. See also: Accounting Status.
Paid – Signals that payment for the registration was made.
Payment Deferred – Signals that it was agreed payment will be made in the future. Recommended use: Manual flags registrants will be allowed to enter the event although they did not complete the payment.
Potential – Signals a potential attendee. An attendee who did not confirm. When a potential attendee logs in and completes the registration form, the Potential flag will be turned off by the Eventact system, and the Submitted flag will turn on. Recommended use: When importing potential guests, mark them as Potential. Then you can send them RSVP mail to confirm or complete their registration.
Confirmed – Signals that the registrant has confirmed their attendance, registration, or offer. The flag is turned on when the registrant clicks on a personal confirmation link sent to them in the email or SMS.
Declined – Signals that the registrant has declined the offer or is not planning to attend. The flag is turned on when the registrant clicks on a personal decline link sent to them in the email or SMS.
Arrived – Signals that the registrant has entered the event. Turned on when the registrant's badge is printed onsite from the arrival kiosk or arrival desk.
In Progress – The registrant is currently filling out the registration form.
Processing – The registrant was redirected to external payment and did not return yet. Normally, the status is on for a few minutes from the time the registrant was redirected to the external payment page until they were redirected back to the registration system. Recommended action: If the Processing flag is on – Manually check if payment was made in the external system. If payment was made, change the registrant status accordingly (to Submitted) and produce a receipt. If payment was not successful, change the status to Incomplete (remove the processing status).
Incomplete – Registration was not completed. The registrant has abandoned the registration form before the thank you page. The flag is automatically on when no other flag is on and automatically off if any other flag is on.
Rejected – Flags a registration rejected by the operator.
Hold – Temporarily flags the registration until something is resolved. In case the registrant is using any allotment (room, flight, or other). It will keep appearing in the different reports as taken.
Canceled – Signals a registration that was canceled.
Accepted – Signals the registration or person is accepted or approved. Unlike the Approved status, the Accepted flag is never turned on or off by Eventact EMS. Recommended use: Use the Accepted flag to distinguish registrants who were carefully selected or accepted something. See also: Approved.
The following statuses take allotment: Submitted, Approved, Accepted, Paid, Pending, Free, Arrived, Exhibitor, Payment Deferred, Potential If one of the following flags is one the registration is not considered valid: Incomplete,
Rejected, or Cancelled. By default, registrations with flags Paid, Free, Approved,
or Payment Deferred are allowed to enter the event.
Importing Registrants From Excel
Excel file
In the 'Regitrants' section there is an option to import a list of registrants from an Excel file instead of adding them one by one.
To do so, we need to make sure the first row in the file includes the column names (which later will be connected to fields) and each of the following rows reperesnt registrants. There should be no merged cells in the file.
Uploading the file
Add the file using Import button
If there is more than one form in the project, you can select to which form the new registrants be added.
Also you can define if those people are in the same group, their registration status and role
Next, you will need to choose a sheet you want to import from the file. It is only possible to import one sheet at a time.
In the following page, all the columns from the file will appear and next to each of them we need to select the corresponding field in the system.
If you want to make sure there are no duplicate registrants, you can mark a field that is unique for each person (e-mail, id number etc.) as "Identifier".
When a field is marked as identifier, a registrant with the same value in this field as the one being imported the system will update his details instead of creating a new one.
Notice! While importing fields of types "Radio", "Checkbox" or "Menu": in the excel file indicate the numerical value of the field, not its textual content.